International Relations Coordinatorship -

Visit from IGU to Titu Maiurescu University!

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Visit from IGU to Titu Maiurescu University!

Istanbul Gelisim University IECO Specialist Pınar Aleyna Doğan visited our partner university Titu Maiorescu University in Romania between June 3-7 2024 within the scope of Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility.

Istanbul Gelisim University IECO Specialist Pınar Aleyna Doğan visited our partner university Titu Maiorescu University in Romania between June 3-7 2024 within the scope of Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility.

On the first day of the visit, which was very positive for both sides, Iulia Alecu Buza, International Office Coordinator of Titu Maiorescu University, and Pınar Aleyna Doğan held meetings to further develop the existing partnership between the two universities. During this meeting, after Iulia A. Buza, our staff member Pınar Aleyna Doğan made a presentation introducing Istanbul Gelisim University. The importance of cooperation between the two universities not only in student and staff mobility but also in projects was emphasized.

Then, accompanied by Iulia Alecu Buza, a tour of the campus was organized. During the tour, the seminar halls, various units, library and classrooms of the university were introduced. After a productive first day, on the second day of the visit, Pınar Aleyna Doğan attended a meeting lunch with Iulia Alecu Buza and other International Office staff. During this lunch, the working methods of Titu Maiorescu University and Istanbul Gelisim University were compared and information was exchanged.

Thanks to this visit from IGU to Titu Maiorescu University, an important step has been taken in furthering the strong bond between the two universities. Thanks to the exchange of knowledge and cultural interaction between our staff, IECO continues to make IGU's name known internationally.
