International Relations Coordinatorship -

Istanbul Gelisim University attended to the ICMPD Workshop!

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Istanbul Gelisim University attended to the ICMPD Workshop!

With the contributions of ICMPD to enable grant beneficiaries, which are financially and technically supported within the scope of the "Improving Entrepreneurship Capacities for Sustainable Socio-Economic Integration" (ENHANCER) Project and operate under the roof of chambers and OSB’s, to improve their institutional capacities in management model and innovation issues,as the representatives of İstanbul Gelişim University International Exchange and Cooperation Office IECO Coordinator Alisa Usubova and IECO Specialist Ece Nur Yüksel came together to discuss cooperation opportunities with Türkiye’s various universities and technoparks at Point Hotel Barbaros Istanbul between 25-27 June 2024.

With the contributions of ICMPD to enable grant beneficiaries, which are financially and technically supported within the scope of the "Improving Entrepreneurship Capacities for Sustainable Socio-Economic Integration" (ENHANCER) Project and operate under the roof of chambers and OSB’s, to improve their institutional capacities in management model and innovation issues,as the representatives of İstanbul Gelişim University International Exchange and Cooperation Office IECO Coordinator Alisa Usubova and IECO Specialist Ece Nur Yüksel came together to discuss cooperation opportunities with Türkiye’s various universities and technoparks at Point Hotel Barbaros Istanbul between 25-27 June 2024.
The first day of the three-day program started with the opening speech of Deniz Karcı Korfalı. After the opening, ENHANCER grant beneficiaries were introduced followed by the presentations about universities and technoparks on their projects. İstanbul Gelisim University's successful "My Business Partner" project was introduced to the program participants with an impressive presentation by IECO Coordinator Alisa Usubova. The afternoon session started with the presentation of ICMPD Türkiye officials Kemal Ege Gürkan and Onur Demirtaş on Entrepreneurship Centers Cooperation and Networking Workshop. After the presentation, in order to strengthen the atmosphere among the grant beneficiaries, a workshop activity was organized. In the workshop activity, the participants discussed their own projects in groups about pre-project, project implementation and sustainability of the projects, as well as finding a common solution to their experiences during the project.
On June 26th 2024 which is the second day of the program short term experts of ICMPD Pınar Ilgaz and Melis Türker shared their presentation named “Governance Model for Common Use Facilities” to the grant beneficiaries. Common-use facilities were established on the premises of Technology Development Zone/University, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Organized Industrial Zone and Municipality while detailed business model analyses were carried out within the scope of the project. In the presentation, CUF’s need analysis and methods of developing business models as a result of various interviews and surveys were shared with the grant beneficiaries. After that differences between the SWOT analysis and Management, Governance models were emphasized. In the afternoon of the second day in order to consolidate knowledge that participants have learned from the presentation and to create an interactive environment, participants discussed their answers by conducting a SWOT analysis and a need analysis workshops with their groups. The second day came to an end with the conduction of a governance target audience survey and a training evaluation survey.
The last day of the program started with Deniz Karcı Korfalı’s opening remarks followed by Prof. Nezih Orhon’s icebreaker activities among the participants, with these activities participants found a chance to get to know each other and strengthened their bonds. After the activities, founder of Fark Labs Ahu Büyükkuşoğlu performed a technology communication panel with the participations of  Dr.Sertaç Doğanay and Prof. Nezih Orhon. In the following minutes of the session Prof.Dr.Nezih Orhon informed the participants about many sustainability practices like foundations of innovation, differences between open and closed innovations, design-oriented thinking, and Waldorf school. After the informative program, the session ended with Q&A’s of the participants.
As Istanbul Gelisim University IECO, we are increasing our recognition among our external stakeholders every day with the international projects we carry out as we are strengthening our cooperation with strong partners such as ICMPD in the international field.
