International Relations Coordinatorship -

New Steps in Internationalization: Central Projects Information Meeting

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New Steps in Internationalization: Central Projects Information Meeting

Istanbul Gelişim University International Exchange and Cooperation Office participated in the Central Projects Information Meeting held by the Turkish National Agency and hosted by Bursa Uludağ University on 7-8 December 2022. The meeting, which consisted of 4 sessions and attended by IECO Coordinator Alisa Usubova representing our university, lasted for 2 days.

Istanbul Gelişim University International Exchange and Cooperation Office participated in the Central Projects Information Meeting held by the Turkish National Agency and hosted by Bursa Uludağ University on 7-8 December 2022. The meeting, which consisted of 4 sessions and was attended by IECO Coordinator Alisa Usubova representing our university, lasted for 2 days.
The first session of the meeting was held with the presentation of Meliha Hilal Altıok, one of the representatives of the Turkish National Agency, on Jean Monnet Activities. Then the representatives of Medipol University and Yaşar University shared their experiences on the project. Kadir Has University and Eskişehir Osmangazi University representatives shared their project experiences with the participants within the scope of Erasmus Mundus as well.
On the second day of the meeting, the first session started with the informative presentation of the Jordan National Erasmus Agency and Jordan Sumaya University representatives about capacity building in Higher Education and RISE (Realizing Integration Through Social Enterprise) projects and continued with the sharing of experiences from Kütahya University. The last session of the Central Projects Information Meeting ended with the presentation of Ahmet Çörekçioğlu, one of the representatives of the Turkish National Agency, on European Universities. The most important issue that came to the fore at the meeting was that the Turkish National Agency paid a contribution of 20 million Euros every year to the institutions in Türkiye to be able to apply for Brussels-based projects, but despite this, not enough applications were made. It was emphasized that the advantageous position of higher education institutions is emphasized in the projects where applications can be made by NGOs together with higher education institutions, the advantageous position of higher education institutions is very low, and the importance and necessity of returning the paid participation share to our country with quality project proposals. Successful project proposals of Kadir Has University, Yaşar University, Medipol University and the most important parts they paid attention to while presenting project proposals were presented to the attention of the participants in the calls for Central Projects, which are also considered as KA-3 Projects, including project applications from Jean Monnet, Mundus and European Universities.
It is aimed that IGU, which currently does not have a KA-3 Project, will focus on Brussels-based projects strongly encouraged by the Turkish National Agency, and also reach the capacity that can receive a quota from the KA-3 projects, thereby contributing to the diversification of financing resources and strengthening its prestige.
