International Relations Coordinatorship -

Double Visit From Partner University in Romania

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Double Visit From Partner University in Romania

Another visit took place in between 4-8 April 2022 from Universitatea 1 Decemberia 1918 din Alba lulia from Romania within the scope of Erasmus Staff Training Program. Stefania Pacurar and Simona Mariana Albesc members of Universitatea1 Decembria 1918 din Alba lulia were welcomed by our university in such a warm and welcoming way.

In 6 April, Simona Mariana Albesc met with Distance Learning Department and Stefania Pacurar met with Insitute of Graduate Studies. The duo, who also met with the sincere approach of our teachers here, stated that they would be happy to come to our university again and again and that they enjoyed this interest of our university. When they were leaving our university, they emphasize that they will never forget this experience.
It is expected that this visit from Romania will  contribute to both institutions by creating more opportunities in order to improve the existing bileteral relations between institutions and to provide collaboration between universities in more fields

