2022 project year (2022-1-TR01-KA171-HED-000080145) Study Mobility Additional Application Results have been announced.
Evaluation Method of the Applications
The lists were created by ranking the students according to the Erasmus+ Overall Total
Scores are calculated by taking 50% of the Foreign Language Score and 50% of the General
Academic Grade Point Average (GPA) of the students (updated GPA has taken into consideration until the due date of application)
Students who are on the Main List should follow the process below:
The students on the Main List are required to inform the International Exchange and Cooperation Office by e-mail (erasmus@gelisim.edu.tr) and declare their participation about whether they will benefit from the program or not between the dates of 18.07.2024 and 24.07.2024.
In case of release from the students who are on the Main List, they must fill in a Petition of
Release Form and submit it to the International Exchange and Cooperation Office by hand
Students who do not declare whether they will benefit from the mobility or not until
24.07.2024 will be deemed to have released their rights and if they do not show a force
majeure, -10 points will be deducted from the Erasmus+ total grade in their next Erasmus+
Mobility applications.
Students who are on the Backup List:
If there are those who waive their rights among the students on the main list, the candidate in the backup list who is studying in the same Faculty / School / Institute will be given a right to attend the mobility among the candidates with the highest score on the backup list. If there is no student from the relevant faculty, a student will be selected according to the highest score ranking in the backup list.
University Placements to be Hosted
Students who are entitled to mobility cannot participate in the mobility if they do not have a course load of 30 ECTS (minimum 20 ECTS in force majeure such as being in the senior year). The institution cannot be held responsible if the applications of the candidates who will participate in the mobility are not accepted by the universities they have the right to go to, if the selected university quota is full, or if the application deadlines have passed. In this case, the student is asked to choose another university with which we have an agreement. If no agreement is found or no selection is made, the application will be canceled.
Students are responsible for checking their e-mails frequently, following all announcements published by the International Exchange and Cooperation Office, and keeping in touch with the International Exchange and Cooperation Office. Otherwise, the student is responsible for any problems that may occur (for example, not checking his e-mail and missing the application date, not reading the announcements, not being aware of any developments, etc.).
Orientation Program
An Orientation Program will be organized for students who are eligible for Erasmus Mobility. In the orientation program, detailed information about the mobility process will be given to the students. It is obligatory to attend the Erasmus Orientation Program for all students who are on the Main List and who are on the Backup List and want to participate in the mobility without the grant. -5 points will be deducted from the next Erasmus applications of students who do not participate in the program without showing any force majeure. Details about the Orientation Program will be shared with the students later.
Result List
Students who object to the results of their application can send their objection petitions via e-mail (erasmus@gelisim.edu.tr) until 17.07.2024 at 17.30. Objection petitions that were sent after the specified date will not be accepted, and objection petitions must be wetly signed. Petitions will be evaluated and positive or negative feedback will be given to the students.